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Library Services

Jill Norris

Jill Norris

Library Media Specialist

Welcome to the LBHS Library! 

Here you can find information on book checkouts in person or online, upcoming events, technology information, and more!

Circulation Desk: Ext. 1396
Librarian Office: Ext. 1399

Library Hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Thanks for visiting!

High School Librarian Book Recommendations
High School Librarian Classics Recommendations


When can I check out library books?

Before school, break and during lunch.

How long can I check out a book for?

Books may be checked out for 2 weeks, 14 days. If you need to keep the book longer you can come to the library for a renewal.

How many books can I borrow at once?

You may borrow up to 3 books as long as you do not have any overdue books.

Where do I return my book?

You can return books to the LBHS Book Return located in the front quad by the theater or you may hand it to Ms. Norris in the library.

The book I have is not available right now, what do I do?

Log in to your LBHS library account through Beachport. Search for the book you want and place the book on hold. You will be notified when the book is available.

How do I check out an eBook and how long is the loan period?

You must log in to your LBHS library account or SORA account through Beachport and then you can search the title or genre. Once the title is selected click on the checkout or borrow icon to the right. The books are checked out for 2 weeks and will automatically be returned to the library databases after that time.

My books is overdue what do I do?

Return you book right away or see Ms. Norris for a renewal.

What if I have other questions?

You can email Ms. Norris at

Useful Links

Ask Our Librarians Logo
Ask Our Librarians
Book Suggestion Form Logo
Book Suggestion Form
Waves of Wisdom Living Library Logo
Waves of Wisdom Living Library
Laguna Beach Public Library Logo
Laguna Beach Public Library

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