Special Education
We believe all students eligible for special education deserve to receive the same rigorous instruction as their non- disabled peers. We offer multiple levels of assistance to include accommodations and supports in the general education setting, co-taught classes with a general education and special education teacher as well as Basic and Modified courses taught by Educational Specialists. Through careful planning and collaboration with general education teachers, counselors, services providers, parents and administrators we are able to assure that each student’s unique needs are addressed in the least restrictive setting. Our ultimate goal is to maximize each student’s potential by building on their strengths and improving areas of weakness so that they can accomplish their personal post High School goals.

Dori Bunting

Yomayra De Jesus-Garza

Melinda Hawkins

Lou Ann Hendrickson

Heather Johnson

Grace Jones
April Keller
Moya Mitchell

Charme Morales
Kathleen Newkirk

Conner Rozean

Kristina Salgado

Jeffrey Snyder

Rachel Sweet

Amy Tingirides

Eunice Yi