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The Science Department prides itself on teaching with passion and excitement. We work very hard to individualize instruction as much as possible. Our mission is to make science a relevant part of students' lives and inspire them to think scientifically about the world around them. As science teachers, we value and instill in our students the importance of becoming informed and inquisitive citizens.

Integrated Science I Integrated Science III AP Biology
Integrated Science II AP Physics I Marine Ecology
Integrated Science II Honors AP Chemistry Anatomy and Physiology

For more detailed course descriptions, see the Course Catalog


Cassandra Brooker

Cassandra Brooker

Integrated Science II

Carrie Denton

Carrie Denton

Marine Ecology
AP Computer Science A
AP CSP/App Development
Sophie Friedman

Sophie Friedman

Integrated Science I
AP Chemistry

Alonda Hartford

Alonda Hartford

Integrated Science II

Alexandra Holtz

Alexandra Holtz

Integrated Science I
Integrated Science II
Integrated Science II Honors
Jennifer Merritt

Jennifer Merritt

AP Physics I
Engineering Design & Analysis

Jennifer Park

Jennifer Park

Integrated Science I
AP Biology
Parta Perkins

Parta Perkins

Integrated Science I
Integrated Science III