At the core of FLOW, each grade level embarks on its common English unit in January. These common units engage students in inquiry, authentic learning, real-world relevance, and ultimately, publication of their work out to the community.
In addition, each grade level will have experiences across the curriculum that relate to its grade-level FLOW topic. The common read projects in the English class and the lessons in other classes will allow students to see the connections between content areas and the impact that they can have on the real world.
9th graders hear from the Laguna Beach Fire Department, interview community members, and write articles commemorating the ‘93 LB Fire. Select articles were compiled into a Digital Anthology The Laguna Beach Fire: A Look Back (with cover art by Ava Revenna). A community Press Showcase was held on February 26, 2024 in which local journalists and the LBFD gave students feedback on their written work.
10th graders created poetry anthologies on a land topic. To celebrate the students' artistic work, FLOW partnered with a local business Jedidiah Coffee to hold the first ever Open Mic Night at their new Pacific Coast Highway location. On the evening of March 4, 2024, students recited their poetry along with live music and interpretive dancing. All the poems are compiled in a Land Poetry Anthology (with cover art by Brighton Welch).
11th graders produced short films on ocean topics that are evaluated by a panel of Coast Film and Music Festival founders and industry experts. The top films were screened at the FLOW Ocean Film Showcase on March 27, 2024 at the newly renovated Rivian South Coast Theater. Following the films, the panel congratulated the filmmakers and gave live feedback.
12th graders read Scott Harrison's Thirst, a book about his journey toward activism. In an effort to inspire our seniors to take up a cause, they were asked to create a civic activism video on a local topic of their choice. Top video were presented to a Civics Panel of local civic leaders who provided the students with advice and encouragement on how affect real-world change. Mayor Pro Tem Alex Rounaghi presented each student with a FLOW Citizenship Medal.
Global Studies and Health students designed their own fire preparedness kids based on their study of fire safety in their own community.
World and US History students learned about the environmental impact of industrialization and western expansion.
US Government classes learned about policies, regulations, and landmark court cases relating to environmental protection and contributed to the FLOW Week art installations.
Economics students incorporated land-related topics such as zoning, waste management, and environmental protection in a simulated city planning project. They will also undertake a project to design and advocate for the creation of outdoor learning spaces on campus.
Model United Nations Students collaborated with FLOW Club and the Wyland Mobile Learning Experience to bring the UN Sustainable Development Goals to El Morro School.
Conducting citizen science with Get Inspired organization by collecting data on the Pismo Clam population at local beaches.
AP Biology students researched low-water/low-light plants in order to rejuvenate a derelict planter bed in the Senior Quad. Online resources were provided by the Laguna Beach County Water District.
Integrated Science II contributed content about combustion and carbon dioxide to the FLOW Week art installations.
Studio Art students constituted the bulk of the creative force behind the FLOW Week art installations, now on permanent display at LBHS in the 30's hallway. In Spring 2023, art students painted rain barrels provided by the Laguna Beach County Water District.
Multimedia Production students support FLOW by designing and printing promotional materials, from stickers to T-shirts to 3D prints, for FLOW activities and initiatives.
Ceramics classes are contributing themed pieces to the Senior Quad planter revitalization project and the organic farm at The Ranch Resort.
Video Production students create enivornmental-themed films that are entered into the Coast Film and Music Festival's Student Film Showcase. Students also created a documentary film featuring the sustainable garden at The Ranch Resort.
Dance collaborated with FLOW to bring student-choreographed interperperative dancing to the FLOW poetry Open Mic Night at Jedidiah Coffee.