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The mission of the CTE department at LBHS is to prepare students for college and career by engaging in 21st century skills-based curriculum. The department provides diverse pathways in multiple industry sectors to develop the academic and career readiness to continue onto college and career fields. With most courses UC a-g approved and also offering early college credits through articulation, the CTE department gives the students the strong academic preparation to continue their learning in the career field they pursued in high school.

To see all the CTE courses available during the bell schedule on campus and courses available after-school on and off campus, please check out the CTE Course Flyer to the right. And for more detailed course descriptions, please see the Course Catalog.

For more information on our CTE Pathways, please contact Kellee Shearer, District Coordinator, Career Education, at 949-497-7700, ex. 5327 or Lynn Gregory, LBHS College and Career Specialist, at 949-497-7750, ex. 1397 or at the dedicated CCC web page.

First page of the PDF file: LBHSCTECourseOfferings
First page of the PDF file: LBUSDSectorPathwaysFlyer
AP Computer Science Principles Dance II Multimedia Production
App Development Dance III Multimedia Design
AP Computer Science A Dance IV Engineering Design and Analysis
Art Production  Dance Company Engineering Manufacture and Technology Honors
AP 2D Art & Design Theater II Medical Core Honors
AP Studio Art Drawing Musical Theater Emergency Medical Tech Honors
  Theater Performance  

For more detailed course descriptions, see the Course Catalog