Welcome to the Attendance Office. In order to be accurately accountable for every LBHS student, we strive to consistently adhere to the Education Code and attendance policies set forth in the LBHS Student Handbook. Please refer to the following policies when your child must miss any part of his or her school day.
Full Day Absences
Contacting the Attendance Office
Please email: within 72 HOURS regarding a student's absence. Failure to do so will result in an Unexcused Absence. Absences exceeding three (3) consecutive days will REQUIRE documentation.
Excused Absences
Excused absences include illness, medical appointments, funeral (immediate family member), court appearance, pre-approved extended absence or other extenuating circumstances.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences include vacation, oversleeping, out-of-town visitors, missed bus, wedding, out of gas, traffic citation, child care or other personal/business reasons.
Students Needing to Leave School Early
Contacting the Attendance Office
When it becomes necessary for a student to leave campus for an appointment, you may choose ONE of the following options to properly notify the Attendance Office:
- Email: (preferred form of correspondence): Please email with the following information
- Student’s Name
- Grade
- Time student needs to leave campus
- Reason for leaving
- Time returning to school
Written Note: Have your student bring a note, with the information listed above, from a parent/guardian to the Attendance Office in the morning.
Once the above has been received by the Attendance Office:
- A call slip is created for your student’s teacher, the teacher will then release the student at the appropriate time.
- Your student will then come to the Attendance Office to sign out and receive an Off-Campus Pass. Students who fail to obtain an Off-Campus Pass prior to leaving campus will result in a TRUANCY.
- The Attendance Office will not telephone into a classroom directly, to release a student, as we are respectful of instructional time.
- Finally, when a student is returning back to campus, they are required to come to the Attendance Office, with a doctor’s note, for re-admittance and then be issued a pass back to class.
Students Not Feeling Well
Students who are not feeling well should notify their teacher and request a pass to the Health Office. The Health Clerk will determine whether or not the student’s parent/guardian should be called requesting that the student be picked up or released to go home. Students should NOT call their parent/guardian from the classroom, as this is a cell phone violation. Students MUST check out through BOTH the Health Office, as well as the Attendance Office (failure to do so will result in a TRUANCY). Students who are not feeling well during Break or Lunch should come directly to the Health Office.
Independent Study/Distance Learning
The LBUSD Governing Board authorizes independent study as an optional alternative instructional strategy for eligible students whose needs may be best met through study outside of the regular classroom setting. Independent study shall offer a means of individualizing the educational plan to serve students whose personal circumstances make classroom attendance difficult and/or who need to make up credits or fill gaps in their learning.
Short-Term Independent Study
Students who are not able to attend school for a period of one (1) day to fifteen (15) cumulative days over the course of the year may request approval for Short Term Independent Study to allow the student the opportunity to maintain academic progress in his/her classes and to allow the District to recover the absences.
Eligibility: Seven day advanced approval by the assistant principal or designee is required. Circumstances resulting in the need for Short Term Independent Study include, but are not limited to; extended absences for family reasons, student employment opportunities, advanced sports activities, and/or short-term medical or health issues.
Note: Students who know in advance that they will be absent should notify their school office as early as possible to receive classwork prior to the absences, if available. Classwork may be made available in print and/or online. The reason for the absence will determine whether it is an excused or unexcused absence, as per CA Education Code 48205. This process is coordinated through the school site attendance office.
Long-Term Independent Study
Students who are in need of independent study for a period of sixteen (16) days or more will be referred to the Orange County Department of Education Community Home Education Program (CHEP) or Pacific Coast High School (PCHS). Students must apply to CHEP and PCHS through those institutions. Acceptance into PCHS or CHEP is at the discretion of their respective administration. Students attending an OCDE Independent Study Program must withdraw from LBUSD prior to enrollment.
Eligibility: Advanced approval by the principal or designee of the OCDE Independent Study Program is required.
Absences for 18-Year Old Students
For those students who are 18-years old, please note that a Change Request to Verify Personal Absences for 18-Year Old Students form must be filled out by the student, parent/guardian, Registrar and LBHS Administration before the privilege is put into effect. NOTE: Students with a record of excessive absences and/or tardies prior to turning 18 will NOT be granted this privilege.
This privilege can be withdrawn by the parent/guardian or school administration at any time, if this privilege is being abused.